Thursday, August 4, 2016

Suicide Squad: Worth A Trip to the Theater? Or Worth A Red Box?

A puzzlingly confused undertaking that never becomes as cool as it thinks it is, Suicide Squad assembles an all-star team of supervillains and then doesn’t know what to do with them. - The Hollywood Reporter
As with Batman V. Superman, critics and fans were highly disappointed with the result of Suicide Squad, however, I am one of the few who actually enjoyed BVS. Sure, it was messy and long and had flaws (like any movie) I still connected to it and still enjoyed it. Although I have yet to see Suicide Squad, I will in a few hours, I believe that people should still go out to see a movie to judge it. Critics are tired of super heroes and fans have gotten super hero films for so long now, they (we) feel entitled to Oscar worthy performances, visual effects, music and story.

If you were expecting a review, sorry. I won't give my opinion in the attempt to brainwash you into thinking what I believe is right. Form your own opinion. It's ok not to genuinely like the film but remember, it's also ok to like it if you do.

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