Friday, July 15, 2016

Main Thing to Know While Watching 'Troy'

Helen of Troy was not a real person recorded in history. She is a Greek mythological character. Although Troy has been proven to have been a real place in what is now Turkey, the woman, Helen: who’s face was described to have “launched a thousand ships” has not been proven to have existed. The only information we have of her is the Judgment of Paris when Aphrodite promises to give Paris the most beautiful mortal woman in the world if he chose her as the most fairest goddess and gave her the Golden Apple over Hera and Athena.
He was foolish and did so but the consequences had cost him the his country and the lives of his father and elder brother, Hector. This was due to Helen being married to the King of Sparta when she was given to Paris. The King of Sparta, Menelaus, was the brother of King Agamemnon who had the power to command the Greek armed forces against Troy. Athens is a part of Greece. Athena is the goddess that the city is named after and worships. And Hera was the protector of married women. Both Athena and Hera fought with the Greeks. Athena is the goddess of strategic war and Hera is the source to the term, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” Troy didn’t stand a chance.

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